World Peace Volunteers |
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The World Peace Volunteers (WPV) is a registered civil society organization in Ghana which aims at promoting world peace through human rights advocacy, freedom of expressions, consolidating the rule of law and entrenching democratic values, good governance through the observation of elections, conflict resolution and arbitration activities, etc. in Ghana and the world at large.

World Peace Volunteers (WPV) works for a world in which the human rights, freedoms and the dignity of all people are protected, celebrated, and realized, in which state and social, economic, legal and political systems respect both the individual and the community, in which men and women have equal opportunity and rights, and in which all generations, cultures and people are respected and valued as vital.


WPV Career and Development Centre focus on the capacity building of individuals through entrepreneurship skill development essential for the job market. The centre helps individuals acquire requisite skills to compete in the marketplace through career modules, networking events, class presentations, and other career development activities.

The Centre provides counselling, training and professional development services and helps to prepare individuals to engage and compete for the best career opportunities. It specializes in providing individuals with employable skills. Additionally, the Centre assist individuals with sponsorship, internship, assess to credit and full-time job opportunities and provides numerous career-related resources, programs and activities.

We provide individuals with a quality career guidance and information services focused on facilitating and empowering you to manage your own career development and make effective transitions. A community that nurtures and inspires members to pursue their fullest potentials.


World Peace Volunteers (WPV) has been accredited by UK Electoral Commission to observe all elections at the United Kingdom. NGOs interested in applying for ECOSOC consultative status should submit their application and required documents before 1 June 2024 The following link provides background information, some of the benefits and the instructions on how to apply: Apply Now

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